Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Two weeks later

We went on vacation last week, and I felt pretty good. I know I overdid it, just because there was lots more walking involved even though I tried to take it easy. I felt quite nauseous at times, which I attributed to eating more rich foods than usual. I drank a little bit of wine, though never more than about a 1/4 of a regular glass. it's hard to see that that may have affected me, but I did feel a bit tipsy after only a few sips, so who knows?

It occurred to me I could take nausea medicine (if I had it with me) but it was never bad enough to justify stuffing more drugs into my poor overtaxed body. A little nausea, I can handle. I have been really tired and had expected to start feeling better quicker, but someone reminded me I overdid it all week so maybe that has a little something to do with it? Anyway I need to get up off my butt more often.

The really good news is that many of the others were sick (we always pass crud around at Thanksgiving, it's a family tradition! Anyway it was just a cold) and I wasn't! Well, I may have been, because I felt like just laying around one day in particular. But that was it. I was cramming mega-doses of vitamin C in my mouth and ate most of the Cuties. Oh, and apparently I have White Cells of Steel, ta-da!!

So yesterday I went in for my heart check. I'll hear the results of that on Thursday when I see the doctor. It occurred to me as I waited that it wouldn't be as good an indicator since I skipped Herceptin last week. Grr. Today I had my Herceptin. I felt a little nauseous at lunchtime but other than that felt pretty good most of the day. I promised I would try it for a month after chemo to see how it went, so far so good.

Tomorrow I go in for my "mapping" to get ready for radiation.

Thursday I have my checkup. Friday, I have nothing, yay!

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