Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I went in for "mapping" today. They actually gave me 3 little tattoos so they can line it up properly every time. They are REAL tattoos! One of the nurses had them herself 3 years ago and you can still see them. They used to use sharpie but it doesn't last and makes it more likely they will not radiate the right spot. So this is an easy way to be sure they get the right spots and minimize exposure to the wrong spots.

I will say it hurt like hell and although I never wanted a "real" tat, I sure don't now!

It was nice talking to the nurse. I really like talking to people who have gotten through BC and are doing fine living their lives. She decided to go into radiation after her experience. I'm thinking along those lines too (just beginning to). Anyway, the best part is hearing success stories.

I think radiation won'e be so bad, and I am glad I;m going to do it.


  1. What do they look like? Hope they did something fun!

  2. LOL! They are just dots. 3 dots, so they can line up the radiation. I can't even see 2 of them but they assure me that *they* can!

  3. wow! and i thought Eric was the only "tatted" up Wilkin!!!
