Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cold and Flu Season

Just when I am able to go out into crowds a little bit more, it's "the season". You know, cold and flu season. Facebook friends from all over the world are posting about the crud running through their families and schools. Of course I am most concerned with my own area. There is a bunch of crud in our schools - mostly sounding like colds - even in my own family. I had a call about one from school today. There was no fever, and I was in an appointment, so he is riding it out.

I guess if I can get a flu shot at my appointment tomorrow, without going elsewhere, I'll think about it. I really HATE getting the flu shot. I would rather have the flu than inject myself with more poison, plus I really do not believe it's necessary in most cases. I am just not sure about now.

I had been looking forward to going back to church and other stuff - but I just don't know. What should I do?

1 comment:

  1. I think you should trust your judgement and not rush to go back to a full schedule until you are ready.
