Saturday, November 12, 2011


The past few days I haven't had much appetite. When I do eat, I get full fast, and feel nauseous. I haven't asked about it, but they are always surprised to hear I am not taking any nausea meds, so I assume it's just part of the deal. I'll ask about it on Tuesday.

One thing I am REALLY looking forward to is having my vision back!! It is really hard to describe what it's like right now, other than saying it's like I need new glasses. I was told it was from the chemo and not to go to the eye dr until I'm done. So I need to find out WHEN I can do it. My vision is not bad enough to stop me from driving or anything else; it's just irritating. And sometimes it feels like there is something IN my eye, especially the right one, like a film causing it to blur just in the right corner. Really weird! But what's weirdest of all is my left eye seems to be BETTER. It is very blurry with my glasses on. That has always been my worst eye and has gotten progressively worse over the years. But now withOUT my glasses it's practically normal looking at close things. So I am way better off reading without my glasses right now in spite of them being trifocals. It will be interesting to see how they really are when this is all over!

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