Wednesday, October 17, 2012

More About "Tatas"

I hate even typing that word, by the way.

In case anyone is still reading this blog, I am not sorry for interrupting the festive pink parties. If you're still reading this you probably don't care, but I just wanted to say it. At first I felt bad, when people would say things to me. I don't like to hurt people's feelings or piss them off. But I don't care, anymore. Right is right, and wrong is wrong, no matter how few people think it is. Pinkwashing is wrong. Objectifying women is wrong. Making a buck off of seriously ill people in the name of "awareness" is F*ing WRONG. People should be ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES. I will not apologize for it anymore.

It's interesting that in all the people I met in the chemo room and the doctor's office and in internet support groups, I have yet to meet ONE SINGLE BC patient who LIKES the pink BC stuff. I have met a grand total of ONE who even slightly tolerates it, and that's because she has figured out that to mention it would cause drama and she doesn't want to do that. I know there must be some who like it, or at least seem to, but I have not met any of them. Just interesting, is all. The rest of us hate is, are offended and hurt by it, even though most won't mention it in polite company. I don't blame them, really - given the way those of us who do speak out are treated as bitter, humorless hags who want to spoil the fun.

Today's post is an article that was in my Facebook feed from the Pink Ribbon Blues page. I do hope you will read it. If you are or ever have been a feminist, a woman or have loved a woman, you should really read it. (CLICK HERE) One quote:
"At one point in our history women struggled to be recognized as thinking beings, not just body parts. We still do.Now we also have to struggle to be taken seriously as human beings in breast cancer awareness campaigns that allegedly care about women’s health."
If you are a woman, do you enjoy being objectified for your body parts? If you have ever cared about any woman in your lifetime? Your mother, your sister? If she had cancer, would you enjoy seeing it trivialized this way? Please think about it.

Stupid pink crap blah blah:

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