Monday, July 2, 2012

Trying to Find a Pattern

I have been really busy lately. I directed a Day camp, then attended a 3 day camp with my boys. I felt pretty good during that time. I wasn't getting much sleep, because of being busy and stressing over details (but it was not a bad kind of stress). I'm sure I overdid it, but I loved it. At the second camp it was really hot and there was more walking than I could handle, so I drove myself around the camp to lessen my walking. I know I could not have handled an extra day.

When I got home, I got a stomach bug that had been going around at the Day Camp. I was down for a couple of days from that.

At some point during the second camp, I re-injured my already bad knee. Nothing major, just stepped in a hole or something. Ever since, it has been hurting, and I;ve been wearing a brace.

I got my Herceptin treatment on Wednesday after I got home. I had skipped the week before sue to the Day Camp.

Sometime during all this my bones started to hurt really bad. It has happened before and I'm sure I've written about it. It happens once in awhile and I have never tried to find any pattern to it before. Every bone in my body aches and I have trouble walking and getting up from sitting/lying down. I feel like an ancient old lady. Usually it doesn't last too long so it hasn't been too intolerable. I had looked around enough to find that it could be either the Herceptin or the Tamoxifen.

So now it's been going on long enough that I have been totally miserable for the past several days. I had my checkup last week and the Dr. said I could try going off Tamoxifen for 2 weeks and see if that helps. It isn't supposed to be a side effect of Tamoxifen, but someone forgot to tell all the women you read complaints from when you Google "Tamoxifen and bone pain". It IS listed as a possible side effect of Herceptin, though he said it would have happened sooner (again, lots of other women didn't get that memo).

I am going to try to record how I'm feeling every day so I can try to figure out what it's from. I am off Tamoxifen for 2 weeks and I will get my Herceptin tomorrow. I have 13 Herceptin treatments left and I had pretty much decided to see it through, however I can not live like this. I *THINK* it has happened right after treatment, and not lasted too long, and figured I could put up with that. Maybe it's been worse this week because I overdid it, or because I was sick, and I can deal with that. I just want to know.

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