Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Keep in Mind

I read this somewhere the other day and it was a very good point.

Someone on a cancer message board asked how come most of the posts, blogs etc were about problems and side effects. The answer was that people who are NOT having problems generally don't post about it, because they are off enjoying their lives! People post because they are having problems or just want to vent...believe it or not, when we vent to "normal" people in real life it is perceived as whining/complaining (or at least that's the way I often feel it is perceived. I try not to do it too much).

So when I am having issues and want to know if it's normal, I check with my good friend Google. I have not posted on any message boards, but my "health" bookmarks folder is full of threads on all the various subjects I post about here. Late at night, I go searching and often find other "cancer blogs" and I do find it helps to read the honest thoughts and experiences of others in the same boat. Who knows, maybe someone will find this blog someday and be encouraged, or at least validated, by something they read here?

I try not to complain too much to other people, my real-life friends and family. Not that I think they would mind hearing it. I'm not sure if I can explain this right, but I believe attitude has a lot to do with reality. I try to keep a positive attitude overall because when I do, I feel better. **it's hard for me to do that right now when I feel like crap! Damned if I do, damned if I don't. LOL!

Anyway, if you've read this far - in real life, I have talked to SO many people who either have had BC or are close to someone who has, and they share their stories. I don't think I've heard one overall negative story from RL people - it's all stories of 25 years post-cancer etc. Compare this to the overwhelmingly negative, or at least complaining of symptoms I have found online, and it seems to prove the point.

So if it seems you're reading too much negative and not enough positive, don't worry! The healthy people are not out there posting about it. I can't wait till *I* have nothing to post here about! :)

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