Saturday, May 21, 2011


I have an aggressive form so I have to do chemo. I start that on Tuesday and get a port on Monday. It would have been cool if the rapture did happen tonight so I don't have to go through all that! I guess the Bible is right though and no one knows the day or the hour, woe to them who say they do! I wonder what the guy does with those verses? But I digress....

I have talked to a lot of people who have been through this and I am feeling confident...mostly. I don't know if the doctor said all the stages and whatever. Something about positives etc. Well I am HER2 positive is all I know. Estrogen and progesterone positive which is a good thing. The HER2 is NOT a good thing and is why I need the chemo. At least as far as I understood. I have found out that I need to get copies of all this stuff to keep in a binder. So I bought a binder and a bunch of dividers and I asked for copies from the surgeons office. I'll ask the onc. on Tuesday while I sit there for 3 hours getting poison, I mean life-lengthening serum dripped into my veins. (That is a little joke, by the way ;))

A friend of a friend gave me a goodie bag her women's group makes for chemo patients. It has all kinds of supplies she found helpful when she had it. It was really nice. She did suggest i might want to go ahead and cut my hair. I was going to do that yesterday but when it came time to go I couldn't go through with it. I guess I'll just let it happen naturally. I'll pick up a wig in the chemo room on Tuesday and I have a hat I don't mind wearing (I normally HATE hats).

So, I guess its really going to happen. I am not happy about it, but I have a lot of people that are counting on me to be healthy, so here we go.

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