Tuesday, October 18, 2011

More decisions

With only 4 more chemo treatments left to go (Actually 3, since I get a week off somewhere in there, but it's 4 weeks till I am DONE!) I have to start thinking of the other decisions I have to make. I've already decided to get the hysterectomy,mastectomy and reconstruction, but I'm not sure when that will happen. My insurance is changing in January and I'm not sure how that will affect anything (I did check that the doctors were on the list!). I'm thinking I might want to start right after Christmas or the New Year. Not sure what I will do first - probably the hysterectomy since I would rather not take the Tamoxifen at all.

I am also now researching Herceptin and if I want to continue. It has a whole slew of bad side effects that go along with it, including heart problems and risk of other cancers (particularly lymphoma). It is also considered the "gold standard" in preventing recurrence of her2+ cancer. So right now I am in the research phase. It's going to boil down to which is the worse risk. So far my heart is doing fine, so they say - it seems to me I am due for another scan and will ask about that at my Dr. visit next week. I get winded so fast it scares me but I don't know if that's my heart or the being so out of shape.

But I suppose I should take one step at a time, so the good news is - 4 more weeks and chemo is DONE!!

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