Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Start of Radiation

Today was my first radiation. I went down after my Herceptin treatment. I was worried about the timing, but even though the room was packed today (they were closed for Christmas yesterday) I was actually out earlier than usual!

I got down to radiation 20 minutes early and they took me right back. They said today was my "long day" as they had to make sure everything still lined up from last time.

I have to lie perfectly still, which I don't do well! I have to hold my "bad arm" up over my head and grasp a handle. Well, my hand fell asleep and I didn't think I would make it the entire time without having to move!

A couple of machine things came down close to me and moved around, taking images and then the nurse would come mark me with a sharpie. This will not need to be done anymore, just today. The nurses were really good about telling me what was going on. They were in the next room but were able to see and hear me and talk to me. They told me exactly what was happening and when.

And of course they are all very nice. I really think it takes a special kind of person to be an oncology nurse.

So I will go in every weekday around 11:00 and it should only take about 5 minutes from now on. Even being my "long day" today, it didn't take long. I got there at 10:40 and was home by 11:00!

I am still debating and researching about Herceptin. I think what I'll do is give it till then end of radiation. That's 5 more treatments. That will mean I've had 26 - half a year - and way more than the 9 in the Finn-Her study! I will make a decision then.

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