Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back on Track

My doctor visit went pretty well today. I talked to him about my concerns and the lack of communication. I know he just sees lots of people and can't be expected to remember every little thing. Anyway we decided that I will start the next round next Tuesday so I will only be a week off. I will try it for 2 weeks on the weekly cycle. If I am not happy with the way I am feeling, and that I can't get my stuff done that I want to do (as far as having a life, LOL) we will switch to every 3 weeks. If I do that i will be back on the exact schedule I was supposed to be on.

So while I still wish we hadn't had this misunderstanding, I am satisfied with how we worked it out.

I also talked to the nurse about how I was feeling treated 'like a cancer patient" without regard to what was convenient for me. When I checked out, the chemo nurse asked what time I would like to come and I thanked her for asking. Then the other lady making my next appointment asked the same thing. I guess she heard the exchange! I thanked her too and said it really means a lot to just be asked "how is 9:00" rather than told "it's for 9:00". she said she hadn't thought of it that way before. So hopefully they really heard me and didn't just start gossiping about me when I left - LOL - but I don't really care, it just felt good to be asked for once!

1 comment:

  1. I would like to think that you made them stop and think. I think they deal with so many patients they get numb to the fact they are dealing with real people with real lives. I think you should continue to remind them of that.
