Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Step Back

I guess I was overdoing it, because last night I had a pain in the stomach area. I couldn't really figure out where or what it was, but it felt better to put some pressure on it. I actually took a pain pill before bed and was able to sleep. I decided that today would be a lazy day.

I just don't know where to draw the line, I guess. I am supposed to move around and get back to normal activities gradually. I didn't think I was doing that much.

Friday, January 25, 2013


What a difference a couple of days makes! I feel almost normal today. I have been up and around and even went out to lunch. I did tire easily, but that's OK. I'm back, BABY!! :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Little Less Blah

Today has been OK. I did sleep very well last night. I took 2 pain pills before bed (I am allowed "one or two as needed" of the Lortab 500) and I know that helped.  Unfortunately they only last 4-6 hours, so I woke up at 6:30 in a lot of pain.

I figure it this way - I am not a back sleeper. AT ALL. I can feel the strain on my stomach muscles when I move around in bed now. So probably in the night I naturally tried to roll over and so the pain was worse.

So I did what anyone would do. I got the kids off to school, took 2 more pills and went back to bed!

I got up again around noon (!!!) and was good for the rest of the day. I probably could have moved around more, so I'll work on that tomorrow. I did cook dinner, so there's that. I shouldn't overdo it!

Tonight I will take 2 more pills and hopefully wake up better. At any rate after tonight I will try to cut back to one and see what happens.

Monday, January 21, 2013


I do feel better overall. That's probably why I forget to take my gas-X and hydrocodone until I NEED to. And I knew without the nurse telling me that by then, it's too late and you have to catch up. But I am going to sleep in my own bed tonight. At least that's the plan; we'll see.

I don't like sitting still. OR - I love the idea, until i HAVE to. I've been working on camp stuff all day, stuff I can do at the computer, making lists. I wanted to go fold laundry, but I didn't. yay me! Maybe I'm not actually as lazy as I thought I was.

Tomorrow will be a better day.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Recovering from Surgery

Yes, I did have the hysterectomy on the 17th. I am home recovering. I didn't expect it to be easy, but WOW, it has been worse than I thought! They inject with gas, so the robot can see its way around better. Then my body has to get rid of the gas. The gas is not in the normal places you expect to find gas and pass it easily. It has to work its way out. I was told they would use the gas, but I don't remember being told about the rest, or how much it would hurt!

Apparently a laproscopic hysterectomy is usually an outpatient these days, but for some reason they had me scheduled to stay overnight. Good thing, since the pain didn't hit me until about 7 am the next day. I had no idea what it was from. It was in my shoulders, which I would never have thought to blame on gas! It was excruciating. I could not lie down for the rest of the day, in fact I did not lie down until this morning, 2 days after the pain hit. I have been managing in my recliner, although it was not that comfortable either.

I feel miles different today. it still hurts, but I plan to walk around quite a bit and should get much better sleep now that I can get into my bed.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


That's my middle name.

I finally got scheduled for a hysterectomy, it's January 17. Next week. I don't know why I put it off. I think maybe because life is somewhat normal for now and I don't want to have to recover again. What motivated me to finally make the appointment was a sign of returning hormonal activity. That scared me, because my particular cancer was hormone-driven. So I made the call. I still don't want to do it, but I'm going to go through with it. it's going to be Laparoscopic, so the recovery time will be less. I can go back to work in a month. I can drive in a week. I can walk (for exercise) pretty much right away, taking it slow, of course.

Other than that, everything is going well. So that's my update!