Saturday, August 4, 2012

People Watching

Today as I "worked out" in the athletic club pool, I noticed a couple in the lane next to mine. I'm no good at guessing ages, so let's just say they looked like they might be the age my parents would be. They were together in the lane, swimming laps. I was able to watch them pretty much the entire time, as my "workout" consists of simply moving my body as much as possible without causing myself pain, so I basically just tread water in one spot.

They would swim one length, with the man finishing first. He would stop at the end and wait for her. Then they would just sit there at the end, talking. They talked and laughed for a few minutes at the end of every length. After a few minutes they would pull their goggles down and go to the other end, where they would stop, talk and laugh again until they were ready to swim some more.

Even in those moments where they didn't say anything, they clearly enjoyed each other's company. There were no distractions. No TV, no computer, no phone, no music - nothing but each other, and that was OK. More than OK - it was good.

I want that.

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