Almost half way done! Just one more with the "red stuff"! Then I will do 4 of something else. They said the side effects aren't as bad on that one. So that seems exciting to me. It takes two hours longer to drip but the kids will be back in school by then.
Lots of issues I have been meaning to write about. I wasn't feeling too great last week. Two of my kids had summer colds so I am thinking it's from that. My doctor says my white cell count is "amazing" so that's a good thing. I hope it stays that way! Anyway, there are no words to express how completely PISSED OFF I was about not feeling good when IMO I should have been feeling good, out and about. Then I would stop, take a deep breath and remind myself to not stress, to take one day at a time and go with the flow. That really did seem to help.
I had a period in between, which I have not had this whole time. Doctor says the treatment can cause temporary early menopause symptoms. Only I don't think it's that "early" for me at age 47! Anyway, this one was as bad as they have ever been since the triplets were born. Makes me really eager for the hysterectomy!!
I have also come to realize that with oncology offices, they either don't care or just assume that you have nothing better to do with your time when it comes to visits. Not once have I been asked if an appt. time is good for me. Even initially my info got sent to them and THEY called ME, and told me when I was coming in! Next time I think I might mix it up and say "no, that won't really work for me" and see what happens. LOL. Nothing has been really inconvenient, but it still bugs me some. I know, I know - lighten up!! Deep breath.
For my visit last week I was in the outer waiting for 55 minutes. They called me back and after I saw the nurse it was another ENTIRE HOUR!!!! Deep, deep breath!! I had nothing to read, I had forgotten my phone so couldn't even play on that. I read through all the stages of various forms of cancer, though. Hooray. I was SO MAD by the time the doctor came in I had decided to be a bitch about it. But the first thing he did was to apologize very sincerely. There had been some sort of mixup and today was overscheduled, where it had been slower all week. He did seem really upset himself so I gave him a break. I just need to bring a book next time! And I did mention I should just see him on drip day and drag my pole into the exam room, since I am already there for 4 hours. he laughed, but didn't bite. I may ask next time. This is MY good week, dammit! No offense but I don't want to spend it in the office.
Today at chemo there was a lady next to me getting her first treatment. She didn't speak at all and had headphones on so we didn't talk till the very end. She is on almost the same treatment as I am, and on the same schedule, so we should see each other again. She looked so freaked and scared. I did reassure her and give her some of the tips I have learned. I didn't think to give her my phone number! I hope I see her again next time.
Dr. switched around my nausea meds saying there is no reason I need to be nauseated. I was waiting till I felt sick to take it but I need to stay on schedule because it's harder to bounce back if you wait. We'll see. Tonight my right leg is EXTREMELY restless. I recall this happened on the first night last time too. There is really nothing that can be done about it. I have read potassium helps so I just ate a banana. Otherwise I am completely exhausted but can't go to bed. I can not describe how horrible it is - no pain - just the intense, irresistible urge to kick my right leg!!
Someone was talking to me about Susan G Komen again. She had brought me a bracelet which I accepted gracefully I think. I didn't want to immediately go into why I hate them just then. Yes, I still detest them. I believe they are a detriment to the cause for which they were invented. I think they should be ashamed of themselves. I will accept the gift in the spirit it was given but I will NOT give them a penny myself! Until I read a statement on their own site that they have changed their ways. But I won't hold my breath! /soapbox
So that's about it for now.