As I went through my list of blog subscriptions today, I found several "cancer blogs" that haven't updated in awhile. Of course it's likely they are like me, and so busy living life they don't think to update, but I always have a moment of concern and prayer for them.
So my update is that things are great here! I'm working on gaining my overall health back. I started walking several weeks ago, and am up to 2.5 miles a day! I'm ready to move up more but trying to force myself not to overdo it. I am eating 99% clean, healthy foods. I also realize that food is given by God for our enjoyment, so there is very little I will "never eat again". My eating plan is low carb, but without the processed carb replacements. I eat clean, natural, fresh foods. Once a week I have a "cheat day" where I don't go overboard, but may have cake, potato, etc. My sweet tooth is really gone. Most sweet things taste disgusting to me. I have gone down from 12 drops of stevia in my coffee to 6.
I do enjoy plenty of healthy fats, such as coconut and olive oils, butter, avocado, and yes BACON!
I feel healthier than I have in years. My blood work is awesome, and you would never know my knee had had terrible arthritis. I am even losing weight! Slowly, but steadily.
My family has a lot going on and I am busy, but will try to check in more often! Life is good!
Checking in to say hi. I'm doing okay and throughroseysglasses is on a loonngg break. I felt that the Lord was changing my message and I've kind of been in flux trying to figure that out. I now have a chronic illness that kicks my butt however I am NED as far as cancer! Yay! I'm glad to see you're doing well too. I have checked in from time to time to check. :)