Monday, July 14, 2014

It's July!

Not October.

Bad enough we have to be inundated with pink crap during one whole month of the year. I was disheartened to see this on several of the food blogs I keep up with.

So, Kitchenaid gets to look good by getting others to do the work for them, all while hawking more pink crap. As a marketing idea, it's genius.

You know, Kitchenaid, you could look even better if you chose a charity that many breast cancer patients don't despise, one that will actually do good with the contributions and one that will actually HELP in the "fight against breast cancer".

From the Kitchenaid site:

"In 2014, KitchenAid will donate $450,000 or more to Susan G. Komen® through the Cook for the Cure® program to support the fight against breast cancer. Product sales will not affect this donation. Susan G. Komen® is the world’s largest breast cancer organization, funding more breast cancer research than any other nonprofit while providing real-time help to those facing the disease. Since its founding in 1982, Komen has funded more than $800 million in research and provided $1.7 billion in funding to screening, education, treatment and psychosocial support programs serving millions of people in more than 30 countries worldwide. Komen was founded by Nancy G. Brinker, who promised her sister, Susan G. Komen, that she would end the disease that claimed Suzy’s life. Visit or call 1-877 GO KOMEN. Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter. Cook for the Cure® is a registered trademark of Komen®."

I'm really curious about this statement:

"Susan G. Komen® is the world’s largest breast cancer organization, funding more breast cancer research than any other nonprofit while providing real-time help to those facing the disease"

From everything I've learned, this is absolutely NOT true. So how can they say that? Have they doctored their percentages to look better? They certainly do NOT fund more research than anyone else, in fact they fund hardly any at all. I suspect their legal loophole is the "real-time help" angle. Most research foundations provide, well, RESEARCH. There are other groups that provide help. I am not aware of any others who do both, so technically even if $1 goes to research and $1 goes to "real-time help", the statement is not a lie.

They do, supposedly, provide "real-time help". The testimonials on their site say so. However, of all the cancer blogs I have ever read, the only ones who tried to get "real-time help" from Komen were brushed off or calls went unanswered. I don't know where the testimonials came from. I'm sure there are actual people out there who have received actual help from Komen; I'm not saying they do nothing. I am saying that other than the testimonials on the Komen site, I haven't heard it from anyone else. Even among the people who adore Komen. You would think that there would be bloggers out there sharing all the great things Komen has done for them, shouting it from the rooftops, if they were out there. (I would dearly love to one day be able to say Komen has turned it around and is doing what they say they do!)

(Edited to add: I did a Google search for "What Komen has done for me". I did find one good story, on page two. I didn't look any farther than page two, but in the first two pages there was one good story.)

Instead, the general public will do all the real work for you, collecting money from their friends by doing something they were going to do this summer anyway - party with their friends. Oh, and buy a cute new pink toy with which to cook. No real work on their part and they get to feel good, too, and think they are doing something of real benefit to those they love who have been touched by cancer.

Hopefully anyone who cares about me will know that this is no way to honor me, although I doubt it.

Slow clap, can't wait to see what you have planned for October. (<insert rolling eyes here)

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