When I was sick, I read so many blogs that just ended. Most of them suddenly, sort of like mine seems to have done. A few had some sort of explanation, like now that they are healthy, they don't feel the need to blog anymore. I loved that, because the ones that ended suddenly scared me!
So I would like to try and check in now and then. If you are finding and reading this blog, please know that if anything does happen to me and I can't write, my husband will post an update (at least as a comment. I should probably leave him my password. ha). I remember how scary it was for me to be reading some random stranger's blog, everything looks good and all of a sudden - NOTHING. I don't know if a normal, healthy person would be able to understand that. We know people die - of this disease or something else - I think it's the not knowing.
All morbid stuff aside - I am doing fine. I passed my 3rd anniversary last month with hardly a thought. My checkups have all been great. I'm on a 6 month cycle now and if all is well in July, will likely be released to a longer one. Overall I feel pretty good. What health issues I do have, are in no way cancer related.
I still don't like pink stuff. I still don't like the language of cancer - survivor, battle, journey. It's just LIFE. I've learned to smile and nod, and hopefully those close to me have learned to use different words.
It's just life. Life is short, cancer or not. Life is good. I'm enjoying it. :)