Friday, August 24, 2012

Foolproof Guide to Cancer-free Living

I found this on a Facebook page and it's hilarious! It's also exactly what I've been thinking lately. I've been working on an entry for a few days but as usual, can't word things right. So just go read that one.

It's amazing how many absolute "cures" there are out there. And just as many "preventions". Unfortunately, people who do all those things still get cancer. Then it's explained that they just must not have done it right. Maybe they had doubts, which caused stress, which negated all the good stuff in the whatever they were doing.

The whole thing reminds me of the religious movement that was really big back in the 90s. Might still be, for all I know, but I am not paying a lot of attention at the moment. It was big for me back then because I had friends in it. You know the one. It's where all you have to do to get whatever you want is to "name it and claim it". If you don't get it, it's ONLY because you didn't have enough "faith". I am putting "faith" in quotation marks because I don't think it is in any way related to REAL faith. When I was having multiple miscarriages, I was told to claim the next baby in the name of Jesus Christ. (I am a Christian, by the way. Just thought I would mention that.) When that baby also died, I was told that I didn't have "faith" that it would happen.  In the same way, they say that believers (I will not use the word Christian here) will never be sick. If one is sick, there is something wrong between them and God, and they need to "get right with God".

OK, this is not a theological blog so I don't really want to get started any more on that. But I did want to say I see some parallels.

My Dad did alternative treatments for his cancer. He had absolute faith that they would heal him. He tended towards a "cafeteria plan" in that he picked and chose what sounded best from all the many, many, ONLY CURE plans out there. He even went to a Mexican clinic. If he had any doubts, he certainly didn't voice them - something that I personally found very annoying at the time. I guess the gurus would say that it was the doubts, or the picking and choosing, or something that killed him. Certainly not that there was any flaw in their plan or that in the long run PEOPLE DO DIE.

I do what I can, but I find that I am easing up on some of my former standards as the things I read become more and more laughable and impossible. I eat raw garlic, because I like it. I don't eat 5 cloves a day, though. I jumped on board the broccoli sprout bandwagon when I read about it, because I own a sprouter, I love sprouts, it's easy and inexpensive. I am not going to beat myself up for skipping a day. I draw the line at juicing everything, or drinking vile concoctions of "liquid minerals" that I saw my Dad suffer through, to name a couple. I can't afford organic foods. I refuse to stop eating meat and cheese. I like Pringles, Cheetos and stuff with real sugar in it, so I will continue to eat those, in moderation.

I wish there really was a foolproof way to stay healthy, but I don't think that has existed since Eve ate the fruit. Being a Christian, I believe God when he says that sickness will always exist in the world, and that none of us knows the number of our days.  I will do my best to do my best, to look for the humor in everything  and to enjoy life.


  1. Girl, I come from a family full of cancer. Though I am BRCA Neg - my mom and bother her sisters died of female cancers. All the females of her generation died of cancers. So far most of the men are going strong.

    I agree with so many point of this post. I'm a diabetic as well, so I need to watch the sugars and starches. In trying to lose weight, I'm trying to go low carb, the Diabetes prefers that. I fall into that "obese" catagory still, and you know those wonderful, oh so wonderful statistics that came out this week. But because of our diabetes, we have moved over to more of a whole foods concept. I eat a whole lot less processed food than I used to. But when I get a craving for Velveeta shells and cheese - I'm not letting the box stop me.

    I've seen you around from time to time. It's nice meeting you. I as well, am a believer and I LOVE cheetos. And cheese. an COOKIES!

  2. Just saying, life is short and uncertain enough as it is to completely give up the things we love! Spicy Nacho Cheese Doritos, heck yeah! :)
